You are Gare Brills. You love hills. Love the air, love the smell, love the view, love the stone. You hate bees. These bees are not regular bees. Something is wrong. They are humongous. They erode the earth. Better shoot them before they get you.

Gare Brills Bee Battle is an endless first-person shooter where you fight waves of bees on top of a mountain. The goal is to survive for as long as possible. Every time you kill a bee, the mountain erodes, changing the level as you play.

The game was produced during a gamejam in January 2022. In the jam, I worked with 2 others. In preparation for the jam, we had all prepared one skill that we wanted to utilize in the game that we would make. I chose the skill of downloading and integrating game assets from online stores. The other 2 had chosen AI programming with state machines (used for the bees in the game) and emergent behavior (used for terrain deformation in the game).



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